Friday, January 26, 2007

All Hail the Great Flake

Snow returned to the area in a glorious way this past week. No it wasn't so much that we were inudated with so much snow that we were stuck in our homes for days, but just the pleasant surprise of a few inches on a Sunday morning made for a fantastic close to the weekend.

With the mountains on either side of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and the snow falling from the Heavens in bundles of big fluffy flakes, it was exciting to see the joy on the kids' faces as they peered outside in anticipation of making the year's first snow man.

And that we did. We improvised in many ways, not having coal and all, but we were delighted when we finally finished and placed a carrot for his nose.

Sled riding, a snow man and snow ball tosses, then don't forget the hot chocolate afterwards. It all made for a great day. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!


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